Using simple, safe and precise muscle testing procedures to identify areas of imbalance, Kinesiology finds cause or root of an imbalance in your body and does not deal with just the symptoms.
This treatment looks at the body as a whole, identifying and prioritizing various imbalances.
A full report of the findings and solutions are given at the end of each consultation. This may involve taking supplements, vitamins, minerals, herbal medicine or just tweaks in diet and lifestyle.
The initial appointment with Kinesiology covers muscle testing of all areas of the body including some food intolerance testing, testing vitamin and mineral levels and identifying the root cause of any bodily imbalances.
Kin-easy-ology uses simple, safe and precise muscle testing procedures to find problem areas within the body and identify the root cause of the problems rather than the symptoms. Corrections cover nutrition, energy reflexes, emotional and structural imbalances
Under 14's
Kinesiology can help children in many ways:
Less aggression, better able to deal with emotions.
Calmer and more focused.
Reduced reaction to foods and other allergens.
Better sleep.